We are St Louis 3D Scanning
3D Scan STL is a full service 3D scanning and 3D printing provider located in Central West Saint Louis County.
When it comes to 3D scanning, we serve a large geographical area covering Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Western Tennessee with quick onsite service. We are not limited to this region and can offer scanning services nationwide as well whenever necessary. We pride ourselves on quick, accurate and quality deliverables. We are able to scan objects from the size of a thumb drive to an automobile.
3D Scan STL started as an offshoot from a public safety vehicle equipment upfitter here in Saint Louis. There was a need in this market for someone to create custom mounting solutions for police cars and emergency vehicles. It’s very difficult to find suitable mounting locations on todays streamlined, aerodynamic vehicles. By scanning the vehicle, the contours could be captured for use in CAD to create 3D printed adapters for almost any kind of warning light.
As time went on, we recognized the need in the Midwest for 3D scanning, reverse engineering and 3D printing services. We started with a single scanner and a single laptop. Now we have multiple scanners, supporting hardware and high end 3D scanning software which allows us to handle most any job.
Whatever your needs, we have the skills, expertise and equipment to get it done quickly and effectively.